Life in a Corrupted Society

in #futurelast month (edited)


When you grow up in a corrupted environment you kinda get used to these stuff. There is no standard or thing to compare it to so it's just your reality and it's not that bad. I'm actually incredibly lucky to be able to have been born into a middle class family who could afford to give me a relatively happy childhood despite the economical and political situations and I'm also grateful for getting education as well as enough saved money to make it to another country after the conflict to continue that education . Life is really mostly always happy with a mix of horrible things and I need to point out that side too. As for hopes in others, I don't really have much hope in other people to do anything for my country or any other ones going through similar things . Sounds harsh but just how I see it. It's very difficult to actually carry out real change on a large scale with such corrupt leadership and censorship of the truth. It could happen but not anytime soon. The best one can do is just at least spread the word and educate themselves about the rest of the world. Protests could put pressure on the government and bring awareness but I wouldn't really force anyone to go for it if they have their life on the line or career for that. I just don't expect that much from a stranger. The protests where I'm from weren't much success lol they were just met with bullets and tear gas. I still have a couple of souvenirs lol . I'm getting a bit sidetracked but yeah I'm actually happy about my contribution back then in those protests and I'm looking forward to help however I can in the future.


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