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RE: Minecraft And Cryptocurrency

in #game2 years ago

True, but now they can go in full lawsuit mode towards anyone that tries to purposefully abuse the system.

I think partnering up with an established nft brand would have been a better route. I don't think non-blockchain gamers hate nft's. It's just new and still very beta. But most of them are currently paying for in-game skins and in-game tokens already. So, they're practically halfway there.

I just think they just don't want the headache that comes along with it. The constant moderation and governance. The constant fluctuation of value of the in-game tokens or NFTs. And millions of people will hold them responsible if they think they were going to make a quick buck and greed makes the value plummet.


There are people in this world that will spend $1k on a skin in a game while calling NFTS scams saying they won't go near cryptocurrency. They are filled with hate for NFT games.

Heck one of the games I play is a real cash eco game. Anytime someone brings up crypto on the forums a wave of anti-crypto comments bombard those threads.

You would think when a game has a fixed 1:10 in and out of the game that they are already “halfway” there to accepting things like stable coins, nfts, and crypto. But NO there are many people that hate crypto to the bone and do not want it in any games they play.

Yeah.. I spoke to some gamers and they confirmed the hatred towards nfts and crypto.

I guess we have to wait until it's more mainstream

There are some major hurdles to overcome.

Outside of blockchain games paying hundreds or thousands to advance in a game is pay to win. Inside blockchain gaming that is seen as normal how a blockchain game is.

Quite many are willing to spend 100 hours camping or doing an epic quest chain for a ring and can get a sense of accomplishment from doing so. Once you can buy that ring for $1 as NFT off the marketplace the amount of time spent grinding for it just seems like a waste of time.

Quite a lot of blockchain games release as a bare minimum product. Gamers over the years have gotten tired of that they want full release and deep games now.

Many blockchain games crowd fund via tokens and other offerings where you have to wait years if ever for the game to be fully out. A lot of gamers are tired of the presale, alpha/beta release, and other things. They just want to pay $9.99-59.99 and get a full game today.

There is also the scarcity issue. Gamers are fine knowing that an item might only have a .000001% drop chance. However, if it was known there are only 10 of some crazy items and all 10 were already where found before the game was even fully released. That will not sit right for many knowing they never had a chance and now have to pay insane prices.

Some of these things can be overcome as blockchain gaming matures further. Others are going to have a stigma for quite a few years to come. It’s not helping any when people run around with not so great looking pixie art claiming It has a floor of 50 ETH and they are not selling till it's worth 500 ETH.

Damn... just reading your explanation, it makes total sense.

It's the whole upcoming entrepreneur / seasoned entrepreneur debate:

  • Upcoming: You need to embrace change, understand online marketing, otherwise you'll be out of business 10 years from now
  • Seasoned: I've been around for 40 years, marketing is not just posting on Facebook

I guess it is somewhere in between. Like you said, it needs to mature more.