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RE: Destiny 2: Can it be fun for a casual player?

in #games9 months ago

For a casual player, as long as you accept the fact that you are not going to be able to successfully participate in much of the content, you can still wander around and have fun just pew pew-ing stuff for a couple of hours at a time.

And i think there's nothing wrong with this. I think we can use sports as an example. You can play it but you may not be the best in the skills and techniques or strategies. Just play i tto have fun if the game fits your genre like how certain sports people enjoy playing certain sports. or maybe thi sis a bad comparison. anyways O.O for shooting games i think something more casual like pubg would be good in my opinion if i just wante dto play something on the side


I'm one of those guys that never played Pubg and honestly don't even know much about it. Isn't it competitive PvP multiplayer?

its just a survival last one standing kind of game ya its pvp mulitplayer lol but i didnt play in a long time. i twas fun when it was out now a lot of cheaters :P which is another story

cheaters don't get busted and banned? Oh well I guess it doesn't matter because I am not going to play it anyway

O.O ya thats call of duty as well for the older ones
a ton of cheaters :(