Mammoth Mythics | The Futute Of Hybrid Gaming!

in #gaming2 years ago (edited)


Who are Mammoth Mythics?

Mammoth Mythics are a gaming development studio based in the UK and are the creators of Agartha.Game. Developing unique hybrid gaming solutions which unlock real digital ownership of all in-game items. We sit between a traditional gaming model that has a locked consumer system and blockchain technology, which allows for an open asset framework through immersive game types such as MMORPGs. Please visit for further information.

Game Snip.png

What is Agartha?

Agartha is an open world MMORPG built on Unity. The game can will be available to downloaded on Microsoft and Macintosh devices. The game operates off-chain and only interacts with the blockchain when called upon by the player. Agartha will be compatible with both Binance and wallets in both beta and alpha stages, or a non-custodial login for free to play options. More information can be found in the whitepaper here.

What is a Hybrid Game?

Hybrid gaming could bring new interesting models to the masses.
For example, Gods Unchained is a collectible cards game running on a centralised server, just like all the current Web2 games like Fortnite etc. However, the trading cards that players own are non-fungible ERC-721 assets on the blockchain, where the owners can trade them in decentralised markets. This model creates true ownership and without doubt, is the future of the gaming industry.

✅ Real Missions
✅ Real Storylines
✅ MMO Battles
✅ Five Expansions
✅ Exclusive Guild Battles

A true Gaming Metaverse is
real Play & Own Gaming!
See for more details.
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