Only when the champions come out in a good way can comps be torn down. This round is a bit difficult.
Add Poppy for Knight with 2 Rangers.
It's been a long time since I started this.
Only one 2-stars is Shen.
I've only got 3 Elementalists, so I'm gonna have to use them.
What I'm thinking about is Ninja-Assassin-Elementalist comp.
Now I'm using Imperial Synergy with Katarina&Darius.
I need to collect 4 Ninja, and then I need to get rid of Katarina and use the items.
1-star Akali is a bit weak, but overall, this is the strongest comp I can choose.
I got a Mittens at the Item phase so I added Yordle synergy too.
But I think it'll be hard because there's 1-star and there's less HP left.
I ended up finishing in 4th place.
But I'm glad I'm not at the bottom of the list.
Which Rank can I take with what kind of combination tomorrow?