Project Zomboid Community on Hive?

in #gaminglast year


Is anyone interested in playing Project Zomboid? I want to see how many people would seriously consider joining a Project Zomboid server for a community of people with Hive accounts - and if any PZ fan/player doesn't have a Hive account, we can sign them up.

Some info:

Serious gamers only!
You'll need to purchase the game in order to play. It's currently $13.39 at the Steam store.
Regular in-game tasks for players with in-game and possibly HIVE rewards is on the table.
Scheduled weekly PVP wars are a likely option.
Mods can include harvesting metals and jewels for purchasing in-game items on the black market, vehicles with armor upgrades, an extensive list of firearms and accessories, a variety of crafting, and much more.

Above anything else, we want to have fun. This is not about "getting paid to play." Any rewards for tasks and contests would just be an added perk for players. Costs for the server will be covered by me.

If you don't know what PZ is, go check it out. If you're a streamer, it can provide you with innumerable hours of streaming content. It's a blast with friends and can keep you exploring and building your character for months on long as you stay alive! You too can survive the zombie apocalypse and roll through town in style!


Do you think you have what it takes and want to join the zombie-slaying (and people-slaying!) fun with me? Let me know in the comments and, if we have enough interest, we can get the server set up!


Such a great game.

Hi. I'm David. Wanna play?

I'm grounded...

Dude, just sneak out your window! They'll never know!

Great advice. And thanks to PZ, I'll remember to remove the glass first.

Man this game seems like a great way to abandon frens & family ... I'm in!

It is a great way to avoid your kids or your wife/girlfriend. Sometimes they'll say things like, "OMG. You're playing that AGAIN? You're obsessed with this silly game!" But you can just ignore them until they leave the room, then go close and lock the door and resume your zombie bashing. They may try to get in later or yell at you through the door but that's why deadbolts and headphones were invented.

Also - playing Project Zomboid can be so time consuming that it actually reduces the number of potential arguments that you can have with your significant other or best buddy, so abandoning friends and family for PZ could have some relationship benefits.

Project Zomboid saved my marriage!

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My dual core potato PC wont run new editions im stuck with state of game from before last actualuzations... : )

This sounds like a lot of fun. How has the execution and the project been?

Over a year later since you posted this and 2.5 years since I posted anything, but I've come back around and was checking in on old friend's posts. I saw this and laughed because one of my many ideas I will never follow up on, was to make a custom Hive driven DayZ server. I know about zomboid, but I've got over 11,000 hours in DayZ since about 2017 and it's just my preferred game. But as usual, you and I thinking along the same lines about ideas. Hope you're doing good. Looks like you may be dormant here but maybe we can awaken some zombie accounts! See what I did there?