
I personally think that these companies will dig their own grave with all the shit they have done and are doing. There is a point when people simply will not take it anymore (although reaching that point may take years and many many new titles...).

A certain big AAA game company (EA...) said that single player games are dying. No they are not. People are always playing single player games, saying otherwise is just some big companys bullshit.

I think that the golden age of gaming is just beginning. I of course mean modding communities, you know? Some modders in Bethesda titles are producing better quality content than these game studios. People who enjoy playing and creating. There's the future in my opinion!

Well said my mate. And yes maybe the future of gaming lies with the modder community indeed.

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Let us start a discussion here guys, how do you feel about the future of gaming and all these crap micro transactions!

I can think of a lot of different times you might consider the end of the "golden age" of gaming. All of them were a long time ago though.

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