Fantasy Miniatures Painted By Decimus #2: The Gargantuan Spider

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

The Gargantuan Spider: This bastard took forever to paint, but I'm so happy with the final look -- I can't wait to unleash it upon the players in my current game.

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One of my favortie things about this model is the disgusting little spiders that it's birthing into the world. I used a clear glaze to make it look like it was oozing out.

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Following, still have my collection, used to spend hours, years on these. Especially Goblins, Ogres, Spacemarines.

I think I dedicated all of my teenage years and teenage dollars to miniature painting and wargaming.

Yep costly thing, me too.

Oh man.
My friend who lives in London is obsessed with making and painting cool figures of aam... if im not mistaken it was warhammer universe.
It seems it takes a lot of time to make them so real.
Actually this spider looks frightening heh :d

Very nice. The paint job is amazing!
I've always admired those who are extremely taleted with paining minis.
Super super awesome!