Age of Empires II: HD Edition - Total War

in #gaming7 years ago



What's up guys, I'm ggteixeira, just a regular guy who enjoys playing video games on his spare time. A few days back, my friends and I decided to play a match of Age of Empires II: HD Edition. We set the game's difficulty to it's max, picked an eastern-styled map, set all opposing AI to the Saracens, and started the match hoping for the best.

aoe2 part1`.png

Now let's right into the action!


The game started as usual. I had a small town center with a few villagers. I sent out my villagers to gather lumber, foraged nearby for food, and began expanding out to make my mark in the match. As my territory expanded, so did my populace, and as I got more people, I was able to expand further. Soon I was in the feudal age, constructing stone walls to protect what was mine, barracks to train troops to fight, and a market to trade with far-away allies to fill my coffers.

After gathering a sufficient amount of stone, I built castles along the outskirts of my territory to help act as the first defense against any foreign attackers. They took a while to build, but they were to be well worth it, or so I had hoped. For some reason the Saracens weren't attacking neither myself or my allies. Something was up, and I wasn't liking it. So I sent out a call to arms calling troops from all corners of my lands to amass at the capital and prepare for total war.


My army, the great army of Briton, was the biggest force anyone on the map had seen. Well trained troops consisting of strong knights, disciplined halberdiers, and long-ranged longbow men capable of raining havoc from far away. I took this great army positioning it on my allies' border, patiently waiting as they sent their troops forth to join up with mine as we prepared for a mighty battle to come.

Once we had gathered together, the horns were blown and our armies surged forth north through unchartered territories before stumbling onto one of the Saracen's towns. Without hesitation the orders to attack were given as tore through their defenses, slaughtered everyone in our path, and burned down everything in our way.


Our momentum only got out so far though, as the Saracens were able to defeat our armies and send us retreating back to the safety of our castles. But they wouldn't be safe for long, as we had just awoken a sleeping giant. The Saracens poured their troops down south invading us. They devoured through everything like a fire does a forest, and although we were well prepared, we weren't well prepared enough.

We lasted long though, fighting valiantly against their troops for as long as we could. Even though we lost, we could proudly say that we gave it our all.



Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did putting it together. Feel free to leave a comment below and I hope everyone has a great evening!


I love Age of Empires...been a while since I played though

It's still good to this day!

I'll make sure I install it soon


lol did you put the difficulty all the way up again?