

Not citing the source of photos (images) is plagiarism. Here is a post on why this is bad, and here is how easy it is to find allowed photos.

Creative Commons: If you are posting content under a Creative Commons license, please attribute and link according to the specific license. If you are posting content under CC0 or Public Domain please consider noting that at the end of your post.

Not indicating that the content you copy/paste is not your original work could be seen as plagiarism.

If you are actually the original author, please do reply to let us know!

This is myself in the photo and I have all rights to the photo. I have no idea why there's a claim on this.

"If you are actually the original author, please do reply to let us know!"

The point here is that even if it's your own work, if it has been published elsewhere, you should cite your own work by either providing a link or some other proof that it is yours. If people can find your photo on another site, how can you prove that it is your own photo and that you have all rights to it? Especially if this photo was published on tumblr in November 2017, which is months before it was made into a post here on Steemit.

I re-post my original stuff that I've posted on tumblr, but I provide a link to the original post so that the readers on Steemit can see that I'm not plagiarizing someone else but rather it is my own work/content.

Ive been on steem for a while and never had this issue, and if you look at my profile i think its obvious that Im me since almost 100% of all my content is photos or videos of myself, i have the same username on instagram, facebook, tumblr, deviantart, and patreon. My patreon is linked in my profile, too. And i did repost this same photo on my instagram and facebook recently. Ill update the post to credit myself, but it would also be nice if @steemcleaners could unflag my post since my steepshot theme is messed up now. , and id like to go back to making all of 10 cents on my own content that is expensive and time consuming to make

Yeah but as I said, the point @steemcleaners is trying to make is that you should still cite your source to prevent people/bots like them from flagging or reporting your posts. Just to be on the safe side. I've had people steal my work by pretending to be me in the past so nowadays I make sure that all my content is properly covered.

Looking at your profile doesn't make it any more obvious than looking at a fake profile with exactly the same stuff. I'm not saying that I don't believe you since you talk as if you are the real owner of the posted content, but like I said, it's always good to be extra careful and prepared.

I get what youre saying, which is why i updated my post. Ive just never had this issue before so i normally dony bother to credit myself... so it would be real cool if @steemcleaners could respond.