On my Plot, Harvesting, and a Little Look At My Snapdragons.

in #garden4 years ago

Guys, I am so happy today, finally my hard work is paying off.

We decided today to harvest our lettuce, there is enough for us and our neighbors so we shared it our when we got home.


While we were harvesting our lettuce we kept having to go inside to get warm, it really doesn't feel like July here in the UK.

I have a log burner and decided to get some logs in it to keep us warm.



The only problem with our log burner is someone put it in wrong, and we have a leak around it, the floor and wall next to the fire is soaked.

It took me about 40 minutes to get it started, but once it was burning it was great to have the warmth.

While we were down the plot I decided to take a visit to a little bit of a garden area I put in back when we first got the plot.

I didn't know if it had done well or was all dead as it has been one area where I can't always get to if it has been raining.

I got up close to the area to find my snapdragons had taken off and gave a lovely color to the green waste area.


The reason I chose snapdragons for the garden was because they have mouths and bees love them, they press themselves in as hard as they can for the sweet nectar inside, it was pretty cool to watch.






It has been a great day, even though it has rained like 80% of the time, we still got to do something.

Once my snapdragons are spent I will be collecting the seeds from these as I would like to grow them again next year. I am thinking of a big display for these as they looked so cool.

Even though the season isn't ending just yet, I feel like I have learned a lot from starting this plot.

There has been a learning curve that I feel I have taken in and I should remember for next year.

With all the gardening work I have been doing I think I should be able to increase production next year.

There are plenty of people on their plots who give out advice and instead of going in blind, I am doing my research first.

Now I have worked on there for a few months I now know what grows and what doesn't, so there will be less waste.

I am going to be adding some raised beds into the areas so it makes everything uniformed and easy to manage.

I've had a great day what about you?

until next time my friends stay safe.


The snapdragons look amazing! The bumblebees look so cool when they get inside :)
If you are planning to have them in the same spot you can just leave the seed pods to drop the seeds on their won. They will regrow in spring. And no work :)

@ewkaw Thank you, I planted some at home too, but nothing has come of them, they just grew tall and no flowers, I think it has something to do with my soil here at home.
I am planting them in the same spot, but I am going to have to collect the seeds and do it myself, as every winter the part were they are growing is next to a river and the banking gets flooded, which could mean that the seeds just get washed away, and I don't want that to happen.
I can't wait for spring to come next year, with what I am doing now and with what I know now I should have a plot fit for a king :D

Snap dragons are really special to me. I discovered them when I was a child visiting my cousins and was so intrigued by how you could make them into a mouth. My cousins called them mouth dragons.

Congratulations on your garden. It's one of the most satisfying things someone can do.

@carolynstahl, I love gardening so much, and when something grows like these it makes me super happy.
It is amazing how something like a flower can bring back a memory like that of yours.
I am hoping next years come out as good, or if not better I would be so happy.

Manually curated by EwkaW from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!