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RE: Heirloom Tomato Plants in Full Bloom + Garden Updates🌱+ What's Coming This Week!

in #garden7 years ago (edited)

The best part of gardening is the learning process and it never ends, @ch4nel. There is always something to experiment with or learn - it keeps thing interesting! You have done a great job in your first year, so I'm sure the next will be better!

The organic compost tea is a great idea, I use a seaweed/kelp mix to feed the microbes in the soil, but there's endless ways to do that, too. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask - the Steemit community can help. I'm happy to help anytime.

Happy Growing!

Congratulations on your recent #Curie vote!! 😉


Thanks so much. I'm sure there will be plenty of questions!