Fantastic post!
I thrilled to see such a comprehensive and sustainable post.
Obviously its important NOW to begin eating, buying and of course growing local, sustainable and healthy food. This is a major that needs to be integrated much more.
Yet like you, what I also loved most about this post, is the education.
I think about the current education system and I am so saddened by how insufficient it is for a healthy, happy, empowered and sustainable life.
I see all the problems of the world beginning with parenting/education and thus all the solutions lie in new parenting/education.
If children were to grow up the knowledge to take care of them selfs they would not be defendants/slaves.
With todays technology and resources it is actually very easy with proper knowledge to live a happy, healthy and abundant life without having a job or being dependent on a system.
I hope this post is one of many more to come and topics like this become normal instead of rare.
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Yes definitely! The future lies in education and how we raise the next generation.
The solutions will be found in the future of our children, and their children, and their children. The problem is that we've been stuck in a cycle of dependency on an unhealthy system, and as do you break out of the cycle?
Ultimately the only thing we can change is our self. We have to make a choice and dedicate our self to it to be the change and start a new cycle.
The more we embody that and succeed the more it will inspire others.