Garden works

in #gardening3 years ago


I was so carried away by telling you about our birds, my drawings and repairs that my garden was completely ignored. Meanwhile, spring has already begun to paint it in bright colors. The buds on the trees have already swollen and very soon all this will literally explode with bright greenery.


This year I finally started using my greenhouse. Of course there is still a lot of work to do. It is necessary to make special racks and small beds for heat-loving plants. But the process has begun! For now, I put the trays with the future seedlings right on the floor. But it is not important. The main thing is that now my home is free of them and, in addition, they have enough light for healthy sprouts to appear.


The rule of thumb for this spring is no shopping for new seeds or plants until I figure out what I already have.





thank you very much for the post, have a nice day