
You have to change the name. I can give a Finnish name that you probably won't know how to pronounce but that's okay because one shouldn't speak when eating anyway. I forget that rule all the time, it's like when it's time to brush my teeth and every idea that I ever wanted to say comes to my mind and I immediatelly want to tell those ideas to everyone. While brushing my teeth. And jokes of course too.

I will name the babe...

It is cauliflower (kukkakaali = flower cabbage) in Finnish but you just switch the first couple (or three) letters from each word like this: flulicaower and you get kakkakuuli (poo heard). Cool right! Much better to eat PooHeard than babe.

I know you're agreeing with me.

Lol, I like your logic on the name and about a post ensue I'll make sure I use it. 😬

Also, yeah, why us it all those things come to mind to say when one is teeth-brushing. Happens to me too. 🤪

all those things come to mind to say when one is teeth-brushing

It must be in the toothpaste. Ideapaste. Genius.

Ideapaste indeed...It was such a good idea. I bet someone came up with ideapaste whilst brushing their teeth.