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RE: Teas & Tinctures, Potions & Powders {Preserving the Abundance from the Herb Garden}

in #gardening4 years ago

Your plants look so lovely!

I would like to add that I have heard from several sources that the more whole you can store a dried plant, the longer the potency lasts. I know they take up a lot of room stored whole vs ground. I try to store as much as I can whole and grind as needed.


Thanks @goldenoakfarm! I can't wait to see your trees that you just put in grow and mature, too! So many wonderful plants that bring such joy and use for our health, both mental and physical.

That definitely makes sense about storing whole, as I have heard the same thing about many spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, etc.). We do have a few buckets of dried leaves that we often use as tea. I'll try to only keep a this one jar ground for now and find more spots I can stash the full leaves. That's one good thing about having a fairly good-sized house with just the two of us living here--plenty of room to store things! Might just have to get the boyfriend to make me an herb shelf so I have my stash all in one spot. :)

If you do look for a place, I bet you know to find one shielded from sunlight and one that stays cool, right?

Definitely! We have a finished off basement that stays cool, dry and has one half with no windows, which should be perfect. I just need to sweet talk him to cleaning out a little niche for me. ;)

If you can select a northeast corner, and insulate it well, you could have a sort of root cellar.... That's what we did.