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RE: Certified Organic: What's Behind the Label? Is It Good for Small Farms or Consumers? (DTube Daily Vlog)

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Great work! I always do my best to buy organic. Occasionally when out their is not the option. I am finding it increasingly hard to find organic in the supermarket hence why I stopped using them and get mine online. What you can find if often nearly double the price and on the bottom shelf.

I think it is massively important to eat organic and happily spend a little more to have it. My hope is as more people wake up to it's importance the price will come down. To be honest the certification see to be a bit of a money making scheme and companies often use clever wording to make you think they have it when they don't. Word of mouth and the produce show speak for itself, having open days at you farm and would suffice i'd say to me anyways. If a product was certified organic from a big chain or said to be organic from a local small farm that I could see I would go small farm every time 💯🐒