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RE: Gardenjournal: autumn harvest, winter crops and my little yam family

in #gardenjournal11 months ago

Hey @nikv, sorry about the grid being down a lot, but then at least you can garden more and not get as distracted by HIVE, hah! Are you as worried about the coming dry as I am? We've been on Hive together for so long that I recall how dry your garden got last time! I guess we'll see this time in six months or so, and the years after that - aahh! I love that beetroot - I've grown it before but went bback to the usual one as I find it juicier. I bought the horned melons after you showed me them last time but wasn't successful. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, I think the that this summer will see me erecting shade cloth and investigating targeted irrigation methods.

I'm curious to see what the stripy beets are like, apparently they can be eaten raw?
I'm surprised the horned melon didn't thrive, they are so tough and grow rampantly here. I guess that means they won't turn invasive in your part of the world

From memory, the beets are a bit like a mild radish raw? I love raw beetroot, very common here grated for salads.