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RE: Such Progress!! Steemit Community Garden Journal (Oct 2018)

@lynncoyle1 "Straighten up and fly right ... " weirdly that resonates within me a human! Haha
Btw, So much love for wolfie and buddy <3
And I hope you do show your magic! Cuz I'll be here back again to check on how the plants are doing in your next post :D


aww we could all use a little "straighten up and fly right" sometime in our lives :)

Glad you like Wolfie and Buddy; they were rippin' it up tonight, playing! It's so funny to watch :)

And I hope you do show your magic! Cuz I'll be here back again to check on how the plants are doing in your next post :D

Thanks! The pressure's on now :) I best get to it because at the moment, those seeds are still in their packets on my dresser!

Thanks so much for stopping by @blind-spot!