
I name my house plants too, but Bob the coffee plant died this year when I was away on holiday. So sad :(

Sorry to hear about Bob. I've always wanted a coffee plant. Maybe in the fall or next spring as I have a pot that is being used for a pepper plant which definitely won't last through the winter.

Posted using Partiko Android

Do you think it'll too late for me to plant some mint? By-the-way, have you found a planet on NextColony yet? I haven't :(

No planet yet and 140+ explorations.

Mint will grow unless the ground is frozen. Getting it started in summer is touchy. Maybe put it somewhere it will get partial shade during the worst of the day amd water it every evening until it is established and growig a lot. I just took around 15 clippings, Ill try to start them under the larger plants. I'm going to have barrels of mint tea.

Posted using Partiko Android