This is why I will never relax.

in #gaslighting2 years ago

If you don't like how I am:
go through what I've been through,

  • get thrown into the mental ward for 22 days by a woman you thought loved you.
  • be told your crazy because you know the masks do nothing.
  • be exiled from all public places because you wont accept a terrorist government telling you to where a muzzle and not to hug
  • watch as little toddlers are forcibly masked while screaming and unable to defend themselves.
  • watch as public figures tell elementary school kids not to hug grandma cause they might kill her
  • watch as great grandparents bawl begging to hold their babies babies baby and die only a few weeks after not being allowed to be touched for weeks
  • watch as the kindest woman you ever known, the only human you ever knew who was never cruel to you, never put you down, and never raised her voice to you gets neglected and your evil wife does nothing for her for 3 weeks, and waits until this harmless woman spends every single second on the phone screaming help me because she has a necrotic cyst that kills her 10 days later
  • watch as your wife tells you she didn't know the morpheme she gave this woman would kill her
    and then you may judge me

I hate everything, and everyone.

No one has the right to my respect

No one has the right to my kindness

No one has the right to not read this
Ohhhh boy, and this is absolutely nothing compared to what it has taken to destroy my trust and hippieness
this isn't even 5% of the hell I have gone through since 2014.
no one has the right to tell me I'm crazy, unhinged, or dangerous.

Damned right I am dangerous.

Every single thing I told the world was going to happen has happened and much that’s hasn’t yet has been proven to be in the works.

I am a prophet of the most high God with a 100% tract record of correct prophecy

if you can’t or won’t accept this as a fact, then don’t pretend you care about me.

my peace is that one day I will be lifted up above everyone who thinks I’m crazy, to be your eternal ruler and king, and none of you will ever be allowed to believe a lie again.


Yep, the world has gone crazy but we can't let them break our stride. We're the solution to the problem.

i have 2 posts in the works and dont even know if i can reply to you, i need to understand the green energy refill and i thinks its called RC it is messing me u pretty bad rn.

I just helped you out with that 👍


wow thanks!
have you read any of my other stuff? I tend to want to reply people who don't support my whole content.
if you want a reimbursement or have anything to say on my stuff i am more than happy to reevaluate my blogs and explain anything i can.
I have a hard time typing out emotions or compassion, I usually sound very clinical (and insane) kind of like a vulcan. i am the most passionate person ive met, but im so jaded i dont trust my emotions with others, and have never taught myself how to type passion...
sorry if thaat was ranty.
anyway read up and let me know if you want a refund.
I wont spend anything for 20 hours (2 PM eastern)

Oh its a delegation!
That is much easier to appreciate.
gonna wait till 2pm tomorrow to use them feel free to pull funding if you are uncomfortable with the support

I'm happy to help. Yea, it's only a delegation to help you get started.