Pasta in Tomato Sauce Easy

in #gems4 years ago

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This pasta is very easy to make and very delicious

For this recipe I used 2 big tomatoes, sugar, oregano, salt, color, water, sweet pepper, chives, onion, oil and pasta.

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We wash the tomatos, and boil it for 20 minutes with the oregano, water, color, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt. After boiling, let cool, remove the tomato (but without discarding the water) and peel it, then put in the blender to grind it with the previous water.


While we are cooking the pasta with water, salt and oil.

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On the other hand we fry the sweet pepper, chives and onion with oil for about 5 minutes, and we add this to the sauce, which we will cook for 10 minutes and the sauce is ready.


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We mix it with the pasta, and add mozzarella cheese (optional) and ready, to eat.

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You can accompany it with garlic bread, butter and parsley.

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