What is killing your creativity?

in #gems4 years ago

Art is everywhere, that is for sure.
But not always is accesible to you find a way to manifest it or feel it.
Honestly, I have been in that point, soo many times that I lost the count.
It feels like a hole, empty and boring hole.

But why happens that?
The routine.
I have found motivation to create in moments of happiness or sadness, a hard day or even tasting a new flavor of ice cream.
But the life gets the same everyday, when you do not have enough time to create a moment beyond neutrality, its tough to find words or feelings to manifest.

(A photo of the surroundings of my work)

If you have been in that boring hole, you probably understand the feeling that I am talking about when you do not feel.
Because of that, I stopped writting a while, I stopped painting or singing. I was just there.

It is too hard to move on. Because the life is that, a routine. Unless, you have the life that you want. But for most of us, we are part of the masses who just are trying to work in order to survive.

My advice based on my experience? Breathe.

I was always so overwhelmed trying to get inspiration when I simply could not because I was so busy working 10 hours per day.
I got anxiety because I needed to fix it, but not always is so easy.
So just breathe, if you can take a break, do it. If not, breathe deeply and wait.

(In my breaks i always come here to see the sky awhile).

Its difficult to be part of the society when you have to do things everyday to survive. And sometimes you just want to stop, sometimes we just want to feel a little bit of the real and pure life.

Have you felt the pure life?

With love, Tess.