#Photography - Gordito no se siente bien / Gordito is not feeling ok [Esp/Eng]

in #gems4 years ago


Descansando de momento calmado / Resting in calm by now

El día de hoy no ha sido uno muy bueno, Gordito empezó a sentirse mal en la tarde y tuvimos que llevarlo a una consulta.

De momento parece ser que no es nada de emergencia, el veterinario le dío un calmante y un protector gastro intestinal para que pudiera pasar la noche tranquilo. Eso sí, mañana hay que llevarlo a que le tomen una radiografía y a consulta nuevamente.

De momento ya está durmiendo y descansando tranquilamente, vamos a estar observando como sigue durante la noche y esperemos que no tengamos ningún susto más.

Un saludo a todos.

Today was not a very good one, Gordito began to feel bad in the afternoon and we had to take him to a consultation.

At the moment it seems that it is not an emergency, the vet gave him a pain reliever and a gastro intestinal protector so that he could spend the night calm. Of course, tomorrow we have to take him to have an X-ray taken and to consult again.

At the moment he is already sleeping and resting peacefully, we will be observing as follows during the night and hopefully we will not have any more scares.

Greetings to all.


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