Holy whipper-snappers! And lol at FedBook, not heard that one before. Thanks for the support! Very much appreciated. I hope your friends start to see that this is official government discussion, and the reason its not openly talked about is the public image around it as mentioned in the post. Maybe me saying chemtrails and HAARP will send them running for the hills though :\ lol
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The majority get better and better at double-think every day. It is almost as if, the more they engage in it, the physical structures of their nervous system tailor their function to make it even easier for them to do. It makes me feel like the crazy one to be able to go out in the yard and point up at something that people say doesn't exist. My spectroscope says it's there. Can instrumentation hallucinate?
"This is not the chemtrail you're looking for" ... move along move along. "Just a contrail" stupid conspiracy people! LOL. Thanks for the feedback.
The book I have "Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project" sites material dating this back to 1950s. Since around 2008 (at least) we have been dealing with toxic Aluminum as their primary material of choice. So, I knew what I had to do to sort this out. I did not wait.
I started talking about this to anyone that may be affected by it (in other words: everyone, even the dog). Given its destructive nature, I started talking as soon I had enough evidence to make it plausible. In other words, better to be safe than sorry. Being plausible means I had a safety net if it turned out to be untrue.
However (and unfortunately) it is anything but untrue. So now the challenge is how to wake up enough people that we can stop the perpetrators. There are criminals that rely on the masses being tricked into believing they somehow have the authority to destroy our health and our environment..
The crazy part is, what I'm finding out is people really know! They can literally look up in any country and see it happening. Also one day you can have a conversation and have a true believer, leven them for a few months, then come back and talk to them and it is like talking to a different person (where did they go)? What an amazing thing to see, how so many people can actually realize something is going on and yet completely ban it from our language..
Anyways, this is some crazy stuff. I'm just glad you put this on your radar. It is going to take a massive effort just to get people to talk about trying to clean up their environment. It should not be that way nor will it be this way forever. I think you have made an excellent investment here.
As far as I understand it, magnesium and sulfur help to bind aluminum and transport it out of the body. These also help with barium poisoning. I have no idea about strontium.
great points , and great post inspired me to write a kind of post of my own here :D