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RE: Geoengineering : Chemtrails are Raining on my Parade

I totally agree about the "chemtrail sickie" epidemic lately. My husband and I recently took a trip to Colorado Rockies to ski and two straight days on top of the mountains there was a slew of chem trails. I told him, "I bet one of us will be sick when we get home." Guess what? The entire 2017 year our fam jam didn't even have a single sniffle or evidence of illness and the first day back from vacation I came down with a fever and cold. Blah! I blame it on the population control trails flying through our friendly skies.


hey there @sending-arrows! I'm sorry you got sick, but I really appreciate you sharing your story! Blech!!

I'm back in action after a day. Thanks though for the concern and for the article. Agree 100% with you.