
in #german2 years ago

This post is for future reference, mainly.


adjective, pronounced: bowernshlow

During the research for this, I found out, that German dictionaries define this word differently than I do. It is possible, that the following is only my interpretation of it.

Literally translated it means farmer-smart (Bauer = farmer, schlau = smart).
Google translates it as cunning.

To get this out of the way:
I have worked on a few farms and I have contact to some professional farmers, who do serious cropping. Most farmers I have met, are in fact smart and educated.
Back in the day, it was a stereotype that farmers are uneducated, can't read and are at a disadvantage, when doing business with people from the city.
Today, I'd say city-people are the ones being stupid... but enough of that...
Farmer's aren't stupid, at all.

How I use it

When I call someone bauernschlau, I am referring to it as a strategy;
Someone acts stupid and uneducated on a topic, to lure their opponent into a trap.

It usually involves deliberately misunderstanding the other person, until they lose patience and slip in a mistake.
At this point the bauernschlau person puts on their 'gotcha' grin and reveals how they have been understanding the other person from the beginning and points out the mistake they made.
They then use that mistake to invalidate anything the other person has to say and feel like they won a debate.

It is a cheap tactic. It is disrespectful.

In Poker, it is a very powerful strategy, actually; They act like they don't understand the game well, to trap the other person. To add insult to injury, they sometimes even finish with a 'Wow, did I just win?', knowing fully well that they just used a disgusting variant of slow-play.
I have lost a few games to that type of player, and it is a legit strategy. Just don't expect me to ever play a hand with you again...

On Hive, it happens to me under every controversial post.
People, who I know to be smart and in many cases much smarter than myself, act like they don't understand what I wrote and ask me to explain. When I then try to explain myself further, I have already lost.
Basically they keep 'throwing the ball back', forcing me into an endless loop of explanations.
Since I know that they have understood my first statement, it frustrates me so much, I usually end up directly insulting them and they then consider the debate won.

It is infuriating.

This is probably how you ended up on this post, because I referred you here for being bauernschlau with me.

If I sent you here, consider yourself a cunt.


fuck you.


This is funny, Felix. This concept reminds me of a couple people who can be quite irksome at times… So I’m glad to know it is a concept, and that I can call them out for it. Depends on the severity whether I’ll forward them this, but now that I’m armed with the knowledge, I can at least take pleasure in being aware and articulate of when I’m getting roped in.

Thanks for the reply; I honestly wasn't sure, if anyone would understand what I am on about.
I have improved my English a lot, but when it comes to abstract concepts like this, I lose my confidence all of a sudden.
Half way through I wasn't sure if I should finish and post.

Sincerely, fuck you.

:D FU too, it is good to know you. I am still trying to find out what email I used for my steam account back in the day. Wanna kick some ass in the wild west.

Love you too :D

Eheheheh, nice description. In my local dialect we call the bauernschlau as "brasa cuerta" that literally means "embers under the ash" meaning that you do not see it but you can still burn yourselves :D

brasa cuerta, eh? I like that one.

I pronounced it perfectly in my head, then ;)

You're getting very grouchy in your old age.

Since I know that they have understood my first statement, it frustrates me so much, I usually end up directly insulting them and they then consider the debate won.

I will wait for someone else to ask.. 'what's up', so I don't need too.

I like you, I respect you.

Please don't worry; It would take a lot to make me snap at you.

Nothing really changed. I just decided I don't need an income from this blog anymore and I feel a duty to expose my real thoughts on what's really going on here and who I think to be bad actors/players here on Hive.

For different reasons, I have to wait for certain events, before i can go on my rampage.

In Poker, it is a very powerful strategy

Poker is sometimes a "dirty" game. Some people won millions by bluffing. I do not know whether conversations can be like that, but maybe there are examples even for this. Unfortunately nowadays the number of people with bad intentions is extremely high in the world. We need to avoid those people, and we need to focus on the good, respectful and kind people. If you know that your conversation partner can understand you 100% straight from the beginning, then it is literally time wasting to go into long explanations over and over again.

This is probably how you ended up on this post, because I referred you here for being bauernschlau with me.

I got it in my feed !LUV

Then ignore the insults, please.

non was taken ;)

your bauernschlau is giving me weltschmerz.
i love the german language

id like to know if theres a good word for the nice feeling you can get when you have nothing to do

im not sure we have one in english. sloth is a sin

id like to know if theres a good word for the nice feeling you can get when you have nothing to do

nothing to do ??? ...the only time we don't work is when we sleep.

of course
I'll go and ask the french
