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RE: What’s next for Germany? / Was kommt als nächstes für Deutschland? [ENG/DE]

in #germany3 years ago

Thanks for this interesting post.
Most people in Germany see 2 options:

  • SPD (left-center), Greens, FDP (liberal)
  • CDU/CSU (right-center), Greens, FDP

Another grand coalition (but this time under the leadership of SPD) is rather unlikely.

In any case, it will become more difficult to govern, as the interests of 3 parties have to be regarded for each decision. Short Germany?


Short Germany?

Hell yeah, and long Switzerland. Funny accent, but way healthier life mentality.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

FDP (liberal)

Liberal as in “classical liberal” rather than liberal in the sense that it’s now used in America?

Yes, liberal as in classical liberal, liberal concerning economy (a very weak form of laissez-faire) and liberal concerning social liberties.