10 Random Facts about ME

in #gettoknowme2 years ago

Good afternoon, and welcome!
We have 10 random facts about me, that I guarantee you don't know!

1 I live in a small city in Northern Alberta. About 60k in locals, but roughly 100k transient population.


2 I absolutely hate being cold. It is cold here half the year. I loved winter in my youth. It wasn't until I damaged the cartilage in both my knees, only 4 months apart, that I started disliking winter as I could no longer ski. I was 16 years old at the time.


3 I've traveled outside of Canada twice, but have gone to 5 different countries. In order of favourite, we have Italy, Turkey, Greece, Germany, USA. I have yet to explore much of Canada, though, only being to BC twice despite growing up 2 hours from the border. Then, I've gone as far East as Manitoba by driving, and spent a weekend in Ottawa.





4 I enjoy playing Pathfinder. It's like Dungeons and Dragons, but with a slightly different and maybe easier ruleset. I DMd my own homebrew campaign for 2 years before becoming a mom. We still plan on hosting again, in the near future.





5 Musicals are my jam. I've seen Dirty Dancing in Hamburg, Germany (in German of course), Peter Pan, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Phantom of the Opera (twice), and many more shows put on by the local theaters. I love them!

6 My lineage takes me back to Germany, Ukraine, and Poland. The Canadian part of me is a touch of Metis on my late Grandfather's side.

7 I am an artist. Not in the traditional sense of paint of a canvas, although I do that too. I like to create in different ways. Wood burning, sewing, crafting, crocheting, etc.







8 I am pretty good in a pair of skates. In my youngest years, I was a figure skater. I played hockey around the age of 8 or so. I could skate fairly well, but didn't pursue either hobbies after my year in hockey. Sports, in general, just weren't my thing. I've tried soccer, badminton, track, swimming, and more. None were my thing, until I tried tennis.

9 I've competed in local tennis tournaments, every now and then, and have placed top 3 every time. Nobody is a professional, however I have played along side some Alberta junior champions! My mom and me in our 2nd place woman's doubles photo. This was the summer before my surgery, mentioned next.


10 I had Gastric Bypass surgery when I was at 250 pounds. I am currently, and have been for the last 4 years, weighing in at 130 pounds. I am medication free. Off my antidepressants, active, no longer need thyroid medicine, and I have a healthier view on food!


Well, that's just a small snippet of me! Thanks for stopping by!