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RE: @phortun´s Saturday upvote giveaway #190: submit your nominations

in #giveawaylast year

Hey, I have never said anywhere that the posts picked for my upvote giveaway will also be curated by TipU. Sometimes, I do that, sometimes I don´t, depending on my time and on the amount of posts I curate on the particular day. You might not realize how time consuming manual curation can be, I usually give out around 500 upvotes every week... In this series, there are people who only stop by to nominate their friends (sometimes even themselves, although I don´t accept self nominations and it´s clearly written in the rules) and they never bother to check (let alone support) anything of my other content. They only show up where they can get something or win something. This is not you case of course but I´m just saying it actually takes quite a lot of time to keep all my initiatives running. Sorry if you feel I´m not doing enough but I don´t have this feeling.


Yes, I know I also vote for Manual and comment a lot.

I have never self nominated, I always nominate someone.

I thought it was with tipu your healing and since you gave me the good news I kept waiting for support, it was that.

And since I don't come for tipu I thought it was that way is why I mentioned it, we are human and I thought you had forgotten.

I felt like a child waiting for a gift that didn't come, that's all.

I'm sorry to have bothered you, I can't stay in doubt.🥺

I just gave you a TipU vote on your latest post. Have a nice weekend.

Thank you, sorry for the misunderstanding.

I did a contest for a year just for the hive community, without making any profit.

And I didn't continue because it exhausted me too much. So I understand you perfectly. @phortun

No problem, it´s ok. Thanks for understaning. Btw I host not just 1 but 3 contests, every single week...