New opportunities ahead?

in #goals3 months ago

MOnthly Recap.jpg

A little later than usual, but since these monthly recap posts serve mainly as my self-assessment on how am I growing here... they have to be done! It's always good to keep ourselves accountable, and a monthly post isn't exactly a big test on consistency, right? So even if it is a few days off, let's check the numbers and see how did May go for me:

Jan 2024Last MonthMay 2024

I was honestly expecting lower figures, given that I've been away from the computer for a whole week, and workload has been crazy after coming back! Will cross the 12k HP barrier this month for sure, and I love round numbers!

The interaction on the blockchain hasn't been as great as I would hope, since real life has taking its toll on the amount of time seeing content here. But it is what it is, and I'm hoping next weeks will bring a little more time for organization; besides, when there's a will, there's a way!

New opportunities ahead?

I feel I'm missing out on a lot of the cool things happening here: I still haven't dipped my toes on the new Leodex, nor have I been paying attention to the gaming part of the blockchain. On this last topic, it saddens me seeing how Splinterlands seems to be evolving, since I can't relate to any of the crazy loops and hurdles that the founders (and community?) seems to be creating, in order to tackle a "new player experience" that for me can only have the opposite effect, such as the new proposal that effectively wants the players to PAY to play in wild league, among the bots, and apart from all the investment in cards and rental. Holozing hype seems to be down a bit, and I haven't been following the news lately, but it's still a project I'm still very interested.

Is there any project I should be paying attention here? Any tips?

Meanwhile, in a chat app not far away...

New opportunities seem to be all around, and although the markets seem to be currently ranging, I got a nice surprise these last weeks. I found out about Notcoin, a tap game on Telegram, way later than I should, but I still jumped on the boat and clicked away for a couple of weeks. Well, the coin was actually minted, the project got a HUUUUUGE hype, and after the foreseable dump after launch... this happens.


A crazy pump, and a couple hundred bucks just by tapping a phone screen. It still amazes me how opportunities to grow our portfolio are all around. The difficult part is to be able to pick the decent projects among all the schemes and copycats out there. But it surely pays to try and keep up!

How have you been faring in this "calm" in the crypto markets? And btw... who's going to Hivefest?? I'm still trying to sort things out, it's a bad timing for me but would love to be there again!

Have a great week!


Hive divider by doze.gif

Still haven't joined Splinterlands? In what planet do you live in? Click the banner below and join the fun! (It has my referral link; you can go directly to the website if you don't want to use it; either way... join in! 😎 )


Pay to play in Wild! that would probably be the last straw for me 🤦

Yep, can totally relate... it blows my mind all these proposals, and zero measures to retain players; I truly can't understand. !BEER