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RE: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love

in #god2 years ago

i see this re-union as that of wo/mankind reuniting with our manKINDness away from our stained/hued ideas of being ”humane”, myself. ...and, this re-union of wo/mankind is in process and progress toward our common-unity... once again NOW! 🙏


Perhaps, but I am also afraid of what will happen along the way. I think we are going to face up to incredible evils, and face the evil we have been a part of all this time.

We may not have been aware of it, but we have participated and gone along with a great deal of badness. Now there is a maelstrom of evil swirling around us, and we better find a way to get out of the way before it lands.

personally, i possess zero fear, here! and, i honor and respect your mission, here, as being perfect for you!

continue to get well ❤️‍🩹, stay strong 💪, and take risks! 💥

Peace Brother. God bless.