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RE: Ancient philosophy. Heraclitus - there is an eternal movement in the world, and what is always seen is deceit /part 2/

in #godflesh6 years ago

His thoughts are not free from a number of internal contradictions, as they are not given in a systemic statement but more as separate insights.

Ah, but how like the human animal is this. The contradiction of good and bad and right and wrong. One might love passionately one moment only to hate the next or worse, be indifferent, the truly wretched cruelty of the human animal.

And the rules of man's judgement of 'just or unjust' seems as maleable and changeable as a river's path. I wonder, could even God's be so fickle or do they laugh at their creations, running about calling out good or bad? :)

Sorry, just went off on a tangent there ;)