Balling on a budget in Gods Unchained!

in #gods2 years ago (edited)

Youtube video link:

Hello everyone,

I frequently get asked in my YouTube videos for "less expensive decks" as I go on posts and rants about my decks which can cost northwards of $4,000 USD (Demogorgons are not cheap these days). I feel that the two best options are aggressive nature and war decks in the current meta if you would like to compete at the mythic level. In part one of my "balling on a budget" sub-series of my original series "Pilots Guide" we will take a deeper examination at aggro nature.

Overall costs for this deck is around $36 USD as of writing of this article with the mana curve and overall feel for this deck you are not giving up much compared to the more expensive versions (EX: Pyramid Wardens/Underbrush Boars are run in these). The strategy for this list is to acquire early board presence and to hopefully maintain it throughout the game. Ultimately you wont be able to out-value your opponents late game but you know what the best counter to a demogorgon is in Gods Unchained? Killing your opponent before they reach 7 mana.

Another fun fact is this list will be tournament legal for my upcoming Toxic tournament! (Format is rares/commons only from the sets Welcome, Core, Divine Order). I expect lists very similar to this to be a popular deck type it would be ideal strategy to either learn how to pilot this type of list before the tournament and/or how to counter this type of list.



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