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RE: rckmtl explains: What were the acccomplishments of the first Council of Mortals? (Gods Unchained) Were there even any? (spoilers: there were lots!)

Anyone who thinks CoM did nothing is clueless. We did the maximum we could given our (lack of) power, how people were invited, and how little was asked of us. The second CoM already has seen major improvements, from the way people were voted in (this time only people who care got on), to the fact that GU will be asking us more for direct feedback.

We have literally 0 power. Anyone who thinks we should've rolled out a mode, or fixed a bug, or changed the price of something doesn't understand what the CoM is.

All we can do is be in the ear of GU and tell them things they are doing are good or bad, and why. And they can choose to completely ignore 100% of that feedback (and they have done that already, and will continue to do it no doubt when it is in their interest). And they can also listen to our feedback if they want, and they have done that as well, to some degree.