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RE: rckmtl explains: What were the acccomplishments of the first Council of Mortals? (Gods Unchained) Were there even any? (spoilers: there were lots!)

in #godsunchainedlast year (edited)

This is a great reminder of all the things our CoM members accomplished. Half the battle was figuring out just what CoM was going to be, how it would operate, and keeping people from talking for 20 minutes before asking their questions! 😆

The new match-making algo is a huge win. It not only prevents facing the same opponent, but I've definitely noticed it looks for a variety of gods since the change. That keeps the game much fresher. It may be my imagination, but even when aggro war dominated the meta, I was still finding magic, nature, etc.

Happy to have both @copperpitch and @cautionfun (and others) on the CoM. These folks are invested in the game (time and money) and are good at it. I trust them more than I trust myself to have informed opinions and smart takes.

I also want to give credit to GU. I've never seen anything like CoM before, and I'm glad they are doing it.

Edit: oh and yea props to @agrante! Thank you!