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My entry to Goldencenser challenge # 21

Telos: rociogf2.jc
Steemit: @rociogomez

Memo: We also know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, of those who are called according to their purpose. (Romans 8:28)

God teaches us that those who walk in his will and those who love him, in whatever situation they live in, must recognize that it works in their favor, for their good. Let us know that if God allows a test, it is so that we can learn from it. For this reason, let's maintain an attitude of gratitude even now.

Christ who was tempted like us in all things can save us on the day of temptation. Then you can give comfort to those who are going through moments of anguish and are afflicted. When we allow His plan to be fulfilled in our lives, He can use us to be a source of blessings and fill the thirsty heart.



Happy Anniversary of Steemchurch


Good point there, God is faith who positions every situation to our favor.

Thanks for participating beloved @rociogomex

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