Golos is ABOVE Bitcoin CASH in Transactions according to Blocktivity. Golos is still #17 Blockchain in terms of activity and I believe we will see Golos return to $1.60 from the $0.006 its at now

in #golos5 years ago

Ok so Golos is ABOVE Bitcoin CASH on @blocktivity and is #17 Blockchain in terms of transactions https://blocktivity.info/

This is so funny to see Bitcoin Cash the 5 BILLION dollar blockchain TWO positions UNDER Golos! https://golos.id the NEW golos blockchain is now ABOVE bitcoin cash.... YEAH... and you laugh at golos? HEY if you don't take seriously this @blocktivity website then what DO you take seriously? Golos IS a force to be wreckoned with.... as is Russia. Everyone knows the sterotypical russian hacker... imagine thousands of them all working to buy up large amounts of their OWN "Russian Bitcoin" while it is under 1 penny.. it HAS been over $1.60 so its the perfect DREAM machine

I am buying 500 Golos for like 70 Bitshares here in Rudex.org or Openledger
I am on my way to 100K Golos. I believe in this golos CLASSIC the NEW golos that forked out their own version fo steemitinc. (Watch out steemit inc.. we might wake up and there is a fork that forks steemit inc oiut of the project with no one coming to their aid

If it could happen in Golos, it could happen in Steem if steemit inc doesnt pay attention and we had some serious secret consensus between enough witnesses... if the @bittrex @binance or @poloniex wallets were on a new steem that edid not have steemit inc accounts , then it would be over, steemit inc could have their steem forked... it can happen... @steem @steemit would have to actually vote for witness and centralize too much to prevent it so steemit inc can have their stake forked out ... it happened on Golos....


I feel RESPECT from Russians now on Golos being someone who REMAINED and NEVER sold their golos power, (even when i sold my steempower!) and I ALWAYS kept posting on Golos and now Im earning good GBG! Its not much in USD value but for golos i feel grateful as most users dont get that much GBG per post.

Golos has been at $1.60 and now its $0.006 so that is over 200 times increase it could experience if we go back to all time high.

Come to the discord server and have fun with ASS tokens

https://steemspeak.com I can make you a FREE steem account (when @steem.ninja INV is back online) and I can give you DOGECOIn and CRYPTO PESOs so COME to the discoed https://steemspeak.com

@steemspeak where the trolls are your BOSS


your mind is like that puzzle cube in hellraiser but from heaven :)
ambASSador axey

Golos was my favourite coin in past and i traded a lot it was big on price right now its zero almost no value how could it return to back its price i do not think so i like golos but in true the current situation of market tells that every alt coin will freez and destruct soon.

Only reason it will go back to all time high is because i watched the peopel pump it there teh first time... i saw it all happen the organizations the netwporking the people andibnvestors in discords, when i say pump i mean, bull run and hey, steem also couldnt hold onto IUTS value... DPOS is SO decentralzied peopel just unstyake and leave UNLESS we have ORGANIC need to buyy it

SOOn we will have ORGANIC demand for steem outweighing sell pressure.... golos can have this too, russian STATE can investin Golos as theers 1 Golso for every russian citizne its perfect chain for them and it will end up being used or forked by russian state or rtussian media RT i think would use golos... RT is already on steem @rt @russiatoday @rt-international could definitely get on Golos even fork it make a chain for RT itself or just use golso and invest heavily into it nmaking an RT golos front end

i see the futrue sorry myw ords are sloppy

I will send you 100 Golos just to get your hope back lol whats your golos username is it realboy? lol bitshares account6? rudex? i can send you some RUDEX golso u can withdraw to golos USE GOLOS.ID tho the NEW golos CLASSIc not the old golos.io that isnt on real golso chain anymroe after theyw ere forke dout :D

286 USD 24H Volume? It's dead man!

Hi, I am a Booster Moderator and went through your post manually and your post looks good and probably should be trending organically. Welcome back at any time and keep the quality up.

That's cool.

there is a flag war going on steem from that day hf 22 happen every one is flagging and playing this is so hurting and discourage