
@anotherhero, words cannot express what your comment means to me brother, I mean that. My history, it has a great deal of things to it that you are yet to know and when you do, will open up your mind to who I am and why. This article was difficult for me to write, so thank you for your love and support with it!

I honestly hope that my initiative @breakthecycle is able to blow up the way I dream it to. Just having the ability to help other's on their journey and to be able to mentor youth, is something that gives me great joy in my life. I feel it is my obligation to make this world a better place in any way possible, as a man, as a human being and as a father. I'm hopeful my life experience and leadership ability can lead me down a path I should be in, which at the end of the day, is something that will help this world.

I do appreciate you sharing that with me as well. I plan on watching it here shortly. Anything that I can come across to help me better myself and learn to curb some of the problems I have, is more than welcomed in my life. Sharing that with me speaks volumes for your character and compassion as well, I am honored and blessed to have met you and to have the ability to work with you in any way possible. You are a true friend and Godsend!

Thank you again my brother, your comment was beyond inspiring and uplifting. You truly are an amazing human being and the world should recognize that! I have a tremendous amount of love and respect for you as well as the common goals we share. The sky is the limit. WE are here to shape the future!