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RE: Now Top 1000 on Alexa and Ben Swann Is Now On D.Tube...

in #growth6 years ago (edited)

Hi @cryptoctopus, thanks for all the good news that we are already on the top 1000 of Alexa. Looking at our current rate, it's positive that we shall achieve the next milestone in top 500 soon. It's cool to know that the Truth in Media @benswann was already here. I wish I can do for him, however my SP is so low that I have serious issues with my voting power. It really made me feel down all the time. I feel helpless with this voting power issue. Nevertheless I will consider adding @benswann to my auto vote when my SP has reached to a powerful level. I just visited and found it to be very useful. Thanks @cryptoctopus and wishing you a pleasant day. Stay Blessed! and Steem On!