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RE: Now Top 1000 on Alexa and Ben Swann Is Now On D.Tube...

in #growth6 years ago

It's quite amazing how far Steemit has grown. Now that I'm familiar with how the platform works, I'm not too surprised, as it's amazing and is built around an amazing community, but I can't help but look back to my first encounter with Steemit, when I thought it was just some prototype concept which was mainly used by its own creators (which was somewhat true at the time). I'm kind of sad that I didn't look more into it back then, but I'm actively trying to get my friends into this and I know a lot of other users are doing the same, so I am pretty certain that Steemit can be a top 100 website, sooner or later. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that I hadn't heard of Ben Swann before, but it's awesome that you incentivize his return to Steem. I will check out his content. Autoupvote on Steemauto doesn't seem to work these days, though.