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RE: 'Red flag' laws violate human rights

in #guns4 years ago

The #1 logic that makes 'Red Flag' laws ineffective in doing what they say they will do is that criminals use guns all the time to commit crimes.

These criminals aren't supposed to have guns.
If these criminals were caught, they could be arrested for just having a firearm.

Can't keep guns out of the hands of criminals
Can't keep guns out of the hands of insane and dangerous police officers

So, this law, for its stated purpose, is DOA.

However, what this law does do is allow for confiscation of weapons from good people for reasons such as:

  • being on anti-depressants.
  • having visited a psychologist
  • having gotten married... and divorced
  • posting bad words on social media.
  • having been in the military (most military personnel have a psych profile that can trigger 'Red Flag' laws)

The sad thing, in NM is that it is the whole of the state vs a group of people in Albuquerque and Santa Fe