Burning Yellow Haiku

in #haiku8 months ago


stretch your arms around
my frail body and let
me bloom beautiful


fold your dull fingers
in mine so that we can bloom
together again


burst into yellow
flames — consume me tenderly
as we spread our seed


see my soul bleed youth
as I dwell deeper in you
in search of beauty


feel my fingers scratch
the surface of your petals
yellow stains for good


hold my hand as I
descend to oblivion
to never return


tell me everything
will be yellow again in
the spring afternoon


tell me again that
everything will be yellow
after the fire died


tell me yellow lies
that will burn my old soul clean
so that I might bloom


bless my soul with your
touch again and again for
I am yearning now


bless my soul with your
yellow kisses underneath
the burning skyline


kiss me with petals
of burning yellow sunshine
as you devour me


pick me a flower
when you think about the life
we have together


become the flower
that I plant between the cracks
in my broken heart


heal my broken heart
with your smooth flower-fingers
and kiss me away


Postscriptum, or Again They Bloom/Burn

The flowers are blooming once more in the afternoon summer sun. Between the partial cloud covering, some rays of sunshine came through to warm my skin and the flowers. I could not help but write some poetry about these wonderful flowers that feel like the sun, the yellow flames, almost as if they are about to burst. That was how I felt with the poetry locked inside of me. I just needed to sit down and write them.

I hope that you enjoyed these rather simple haiku poems. The reader is a co-author, so I hope that you might write and unlock hidden truths in them particular to your situation.

For now, happy reading, and writing, and be safe.


All of the writings and poems are my own, albeit inspired by the beautiful flowers. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.