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RE: Half Life 3 Confirmed?

in #halflife36 years ago (edited)

I think HL3 is coming. Gabe is no dummy and you have to be the shittiest CEO in the world to not see the massive cash cow HL3 will be.

They did fire the lead voice actor a while ago but that doesn’t mean he can’t be re-hired or replacing.

L4D was one of my favorite games but 2 was meh.


Well, I know Gabe isn't stupid. But he could do so amazing things and he doesn't. One of them, like you said, it was the production of HL3. I hope they release in a near future.
The second is something that the American PSN have: If you clear a 100% game, you receive 25$ for being a good gamer. Steam has more money than PlayStation, they could put some strategy in the company for benefit us, gamers.

It's just an opinion but I think you're right.

I loved L4D 1 and 2. Hope the next could be better!