
Happy Ancestors Day....
Well if they could see us now they would likely NOT be very happy, actually : -/

In some ways they would be proud of us but they'd also feel sorry for us but maybe also want to give us a kick in the ass haha. I hope they're giving us strength in these treacherous times.

I like to think our people would want the best for us, if they could want anything.

Striking makeup... would love to celebrate with you some time :))

If you were toking in this pic, we'd share it on Ghouls of Green hahaha! :-D Happy Halloween and Serene Samhain everybody.

I should've done a toking pic, but this was a little last minute. I think I'll try to do a better job next year. If I do face tattoos next time I need to make a few adjustments, but it was a good test run.

Creepy and fun effect, I like it!
It was a pleasure to observe this holiday with you this year : )

It was a wonderful blue moon! We had a nice bonfire. I'm glad it's Christmas time now, but I'm sad all the costume stuff is off the shelves now, it was fun!!

The brevity is part of what makes it magical. As the wheel turns, we always have something to look forward to in the future (as well as something to be content with in the present). I'm already half-excited about Imbulc!