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RE: Book Review: High Magick by Damien Echols

in #halloween6 years ago

Hi @hope-k, a good review of the book. From your review, it really attracted me and want to read it. Without your review, based on the cover. I knew I would just pass by without checking the content. How you found this book?
He was lucky because has a supportive wife who help him with legal work and supported him.
I hope I able to find this book in bookstore, if not i need to order online. When this book release?

I picked out a talisman to infuse with energy. It’s a raven hand-carved out of obsidian. I rubbed my hands together vigorously until they tingled with heat and friction, controlled my breathing, and visualized a golden light between them. As I held the raven in my hands, I envisioned a protective force flowing into the volcanic glass. It heated up, and maybe it was my imagination, but it felt like it vibrated just a tiny bit.

I do believe this. This what I called energy. We need to train and control the "chi" from our body. When there were no more blockage in our body, the "chi" or energy flow will be powerful if we know how to control it.

Thank you for sharing with us your experience.


You can order it from the publisher, Sounds True. Here is the link:
Or you can order it from Amazon or your favorite bookseller. It's going to be released October 30. I got an advance copy of the book so that I could write this review in time for its publication date.