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RE: Handstanding tall

in #handstands4 years ago


In Nurembeg City (Germany) i and "every" other citicien of that beautifull city known a man, he stand on a bottle with one hand. Moving like a 20 years old ones.

But he is over 70+ years old now. :-)

So you see, goals can be very specific. :-)
Have a nice standing


That is so impressive!

I'm trying not to watch too many videos of people who have the move under their belt, it's starting to make me quite jealous!



Jealousy?? Ah C'mon @abh12345!? Let me help you out a lil bit with that, my dear friend! };)


Very jealous!

Me too!! Hahahaha

Are you going to give them a shot? :)


I am very tempted!! :D

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THIS is the man. :-) Very cool to find him in the Network. :-)

Haha yeah bro, he who seeks finds! #cc :)

With your words, you triggered my rememberings on Hide and Seek Gaming on Counter Strike Source in my "Youth". :-D No idea why i tell it.

But, to seeking itself. I am more a exploriation type of man. Seeking is nice, but with it goes the expectation of finding something. So my kind of acting, should be more surprised in life. :-)

Just some stupid words. :-) Sorry

There is no such thing as stupid words buddy. Everything you say have and will have an effect & impact in some way. Which usually will bring new knowledges. Therefore, there's nothing to regret about making public your memories & thoughts. :)

Seeking is nice, but with it goes the expectation of finding something.

That's absolutely correct my friend! I looked for and found the video of that old athlete, because I already remembered seeing it before. Hence my comment that "he who seeks finds"

However, many times I simply go on an exploration and discovery spree, just for the sake of it and out of pure curiosity to find something new that prolly I didn't see or knew before. };)


just for the sake of it and out of pure curiosity

So true. :-)

The world looks like small (like in our begining in toppic) but realy interessting in so many ways.

No you closed the circle of this funny little conversation game.

See you @ next time again. :-)


Yeah, that is right. :-)

To orientate oneself towards others as an example for one's own performance can of course also end up in overtaxing oneself. :-)


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