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RE: Handstanding tall

in #handstands4 years ago (edited)

So stoked to see this post!
I've been working on my handstand too, on and off (for years).
My goal is to do a handstand push up (without a wall).
Every time I go back to it, I do improve, but obviously taking such long breaks halts progress..

You've inspired me to get back to it, starting tomorrow morning I'll try and do it first thing every morning.
Ps, I have trouble with my wrists (especially my right hand), and have fallen in love with a set of wrist stretches.
It's pretty simple to explain
On all fours, start stretching your palms on the ground, slowly working around at different angles.
Start with palms forward, then away from you body (90 degrees to the side), then facing inwards (each other, 90 degrees the other way) and finally, trying to stretch them as far back (180 degrees from facing forward, where they started). Very important not to overdo it. No pain should be felt, only as much tension as doesn't become too uncomfortable.

Best of luck, and look forward to pics of progress...


Ahh, nice!

I was hoping there was at least one person on Hive with some motivation to Handstand!

It seems you are well ahead of me, and a pushup handstand with the wall is beyond me at present - that would be superb though!

Thanks for the wrist exercises, the guy in the video discusses similar and I'm trying each day to work on them, especially prior to attempting any handstands.

It's tough to get photos, and I think I'll just wait until i can do it, and get a video. Who knows when that will be though!

Good luck!


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