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RE: Our Most Beautiful Creation! #175

Ugh. I wish I hadn't read/watched this. Now I have to change my ways or cause myself suffering without any disillusionment. Darn your lovely perspective & healthy, supportive relationship with your body.

Of course I'm actually glad to have read it, but a part of my brain is like "ugh, work"...i wanted to be all angsty & hate myself a little longer it seems, which sucks because I didn't realize I felt that way!

I don't feel at home in my body & it's definitely made me stay hidden away for the majority of my life. I don't know why I spent over 40 years just to create something I find repellant & ugly that causes me so much pain & shame. I'm very supportive of other people being exactly themselves & can't offer that to myself, yet. It makes me wish I had a big cosmic eraser as I feel so loudly the parts that hold me back.

Enjoyable read/watch. I like when something makes me think & changes my perspective. I have a feeling this will intrude on my thoughts until I change some habits for the better. Thank you.