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RE: Hardfork Announcement for Witnesses, Exchanges and Users

in #hardfork6 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this brief, but very informative, update @steemitblog. Since electing to "jump in" in May, this will be my first experience with a hardfork. Very interested to see how it "plays out" ...

"This process is an incredibly important part of participating on the Steem Blockchain. In many ways, this process is how we ratify amendments to the Steem “Constitution.”

As an American, I did not lightly pass over this. How we ratify amendments ... To our "Constitution" ... Wow! Ok, for this Steemian, your statement certainly underscores:

  1. How well conceived the Steem blockchain was at the outset, which both greatly encourages and reinforces in me my original decision to invest my "time and resources" into it,


  1. The vital importance to us all in making good decisions about who we elect to support, as our representatives, for the all-important Steem witnesses.

For the sake of us all, each faithfully working away to add value to our Steem blockchain, I hope "Velocity" meets and even exceeds expectations!

Posted using Partiko Android


That is exactly right. Steem's efficiency comes from this governance mechanism which enables us as a community to do things faster, whether it's producing blocks or hardforking, because we vote on block producers who we trust to reliably produce blocks and only approve hardforks that make Steem better. If not for this democratic component, we would all be stuck in the same stalemates and sisterforks that are plaguing other platforms. Witnesses have limited, but vital, responsibilities and it is the responsibility of the stakeholder to ensure that the witnesses they vote for share their vision for the future of Steem. The real power of Steem is that it is a tabula rasa‒it can be whatever we want it to be‒but only if we give serious thought to that vision and leverage our stake to effectuate that vision.